About me

So, who is Annelise I hear you ask? Well, I am a 27 year old optimist. I grew up in Brazil, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore and am now exploring the UK. I’ve been sailing since I was about 10 years old but I believe in variety and so also enjoy all kinds of dancing, adventure running challenges, painting and other creative or outdoor pursuits. If I had to describe myself in three words I would say that I am enthusiastic, industrious, and loyal. If I had a few more words I would also say that I believe in global citizenship, that everyone has a story to tell, and that we really should all seize the day.

I like being challenged, and then finding ways of rising to the challenge. I love the great outdoors, fresh air and space and finding inspiration in other people, places, or events. I am very much of the opinion that whatever we do, we should make it count. I am always open with people and like them to be the same with me. I’m often busy just because there is so much living to do!

As for my relationship with the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race, it all started in earnest in March 2008 when I saw their advert in a London Underground station. I stood right in front of the poster as the text faced back to me reading “Are you up for the challenge of a lifetime?”. Well, I couldn’t just walk away from that now could I? That very evening, I started the ball rolling and I haven’t looked back since!

I don’t know how it will all pan out; There will be days of elation and despair I’m sure. There will be days where I dream of warm showers, fresh fruit, sleeping for hours, clean clothes, or sitting for hours with a good book. I’ve no idea what I’ll learn and what impact the journey will have on my life but I’ll do my best to keep this site as up to date as possible so that you’ll be able to read all about it here.